Wednesday, May 21, 2014

3 of the Greenest Ways to Commute

We are all looking for the greenest ways to live. At Emerson Cleaners, we have perfected the greenest way to clean those "Dry Clean Only" clothes. Well, as we have found out, there are other aspects of life that are looking to become greener. Here is a great blog on the three greenest ways to commute -- even greener than riding a bike:
Since I already wrote my annual Bike to Work Week article and my 5 tips didn't exactly go viral, I thought I'd change it up today (Bike to Work Day) and point out that there are a few other commuting options that are potentially greener (with a few important caveats).
Bicycling is widely considered the most efficient mode of transportation on the planet, so you might be skeptical that you can commute to work in any greener way, but I'm pretty positive the options below are genuinely greener... when the stars are aligned right.
Read more here.

Tips on Going Green

With the knowledge that this planet is the only one we humans have to exist upon, more people every day are wondering what they can do to start living more "Green". You always have companies like Emerson Cleaners that clean your "Dry Clean Only" clothes in the most green way humanly possible, but what about some other ideas? Here is a fun blog with some tips on going green on a day to day basis:

This April 22 marks the 40th anniversary of the first Earth Day, started to boost awareness about the environment — and to ensure that pro-planet types would no longer be ignored by legislators. But you don't have to be lobbying Congress to make a difference. Do your part by practicing these six habits each day
Read more here.

Friday, May 16, 2014

Unknown Easy Tips on Keeping Green

Concern over the environment is not a new ideal, but it is one that more and more people are waking up to. Whether people believe in global warming or not, the thought that this world functions best with the least amount of unneeded pollution is something that almost everyone can stand behind. Everyone wants to do their part in helping keep the earth clean, and here are some things that everyone can do with little hassle:

  •        Recycle Electronics

According to the EPA, 5.5 billion pounds of electronics were thrown away in America alone. Most of these lead to chemicals and heavy metals saturating the ground. Not only do some companies pay for recycled electronics (ie. old phones), but it can be overall easier to recycle than to toss away.

  •        Let Your Grass Grow

It has been shown that keeping your grass at 2 ½ inches is actually the greenest length to keep it. With keeping your grass a little longer, the length creates more surface area for the grass to absorb the sun, which in turn causes deeper roots and the need to water the grass less often. This not only saves time, and water, but it also saves energy. So now you can relax on your weekends, and save the earth at the same time.

  •        Clean Your Clothes Green

Everyone has to wash their clothes, but there are things that you can do to make sure that you are doing it in a way that is best for the earth. Using a dry cleaner that uses the GreenEarth process guarantees that both your clothes and the planet will be without pollutants. To learn more about this process, click here, and learn about how green clean clothes can really be.

Everyone wants to do what they can to help save the world. With just a few small things, you can make your stand for a cleaner earth, and with companies like Emerson Cleaners, you can have clean clothes to go with it.